About me

Portrait photo of Annelisa Stephan showing her smiling and wearing black glasses and a black blazer, with a blue-green blouse and blue-green tassel earrings

I’m a content strategy and design lead with 20 years of experience working with words to help people meet needs. Alongside content strategy and content design, I have experience in growing and managing cross-functional teams, in content operations and governance, and in user-experience disciplines including UXR, information architecture, and metadata design.

What I do

I lead a team responsible for content design and writing at a technology company. Previously I was head of UX, content strategy, and content design at a large arts nonprofit, where I was project champion for a website re-architecture and redesign and lead on digital media strategy and production including photo, video, and social. (We won a Webby in 2021.)

Switching among several content hats, I’ve been an evangelist for the adoption of accessibility standards (WCAG 2.1 AA) and created guidelines and trainings to help content colleagues succeed in a new world of structured content.

What I’m good at

People and team management
Developing strong and supportive cross-functional teams is where my energy flows day-to-day. I have 10+ years of experience in hiring and coaching, creating team roadmaps and processes, and modeling curiosity, care, and candor.

Communication and alignment
Bringing people together across silos is my thing! I love to cultivate trust and collaboration and to create communities of practice to advocate for strategy and user needs.

Editorial and UX writing
Translating complex concepts into clear, concise, enjoyable copy is 💯. So is helping others do so through hands-on writing coaching, content audits and frameworks, upbeat trainings, and pithy documentation.

Information architecture
I love to organize information through sitemap and taxonomy development, metadata and URL design, and SEO. Peak fun.

Governance and content operations
I’m adept at helping people work together to make and maintain great content through thoughtful governance and ContentOps—workflows and tools, policies and standards, roles and working groups.

As a person

I love words and living things, especially the small ones.

“Strategic,” “thoughtful,” and “kind” are words people use to describe me.

I’ve volunteered for many years in habitat restoration and animal rescue; for ten of these I was volunteer coordinator for a no-kill house rabbit rescue and care center that also accrued several cats and, at one point, a goat.

I have a particular interest in inclusivity, belonging, and authentic communication and am a lifelong student of nonviolent communication (NVC).

Embarrassing fact: In my 20s I was a story developer at Hollywood studio and rejected the screenplay for Legally Blonde.

My partner and I live in Los Angeles, where we are the staff for assorted rescue cats. We garden for bees and butterflies and enjoy the seasonal cycles of California native plants.